Social Media Community Guidelines

QENDO value and encourage contributions on our social media channels. QENDO works to educate, support and raise awareness, to achieve this we need to ensure our social media is a place that is respectful, reliable, relevant and safe.

We may edit or delete posts or comments that our team consider to be:

  • Abusive, misleading or unlawful harassment or provoking other community members, swearing, derogatory language, deliberate misinformation and expression of views that are racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic or bigoted are not acceptable. Defamatory comments or posts that violate laws regarding privacy will be removed.

  • Political in nature - these are forums to discuss education, awareness and support, not political parties and personalities.

  • An infringement of intellectual property rights - respect and acknowledge original creators when sharing content.

  • Spam - we do not accept advertisements, requests to endorse commercial products or services.

  • Personal details - these channels are public spaces and we will remove any comments including your private information or personal details such as email address or phone number. If we ask for any contact details, please provide this via direct message. 

  • Requests for medical opinions and health advice - we are a support, education and advocacy organisation. Discussion of negative experiences where a health professional or organisation is named on our platform will be removed in line with defamation laws. 

  • A violation of the social media platform's terms and conditions.

If you have an issue with QENDO, please contact us on 

If you breach these guidelines, we may block your account or posts. QENDO also reserve the right to cancel the membership of members who breach these rules in line with our constitution.