Here’s to the Dads…

Here’s to all the QENDO Dads

The Step Dads

The Foster Dads

The Solo Dads

The Dads to Be

The Mums that are also Dads

The should be Dads

And those without Dads

This Father’s Day #team QENDO want to thank all Dads including our own!


Thank you, Dad, for being my tower of strength in my endometriosis journey, from holding my hand through emergency stays or IUD insertions; to flying 3 hours at a moment’s notice to be by my side in hospital. I wouldn’t be able to do it without you! Forever grateful to have you as my dad, Happy Father’s Day - Grace


Thank you to my dad who passed away 16 years ago (I was just 18 - he passed less than a year before my endo diagnosis) for teaching me to stand up for myself and fight for what I feel is right. I'm certain if it weren't for my dad teaching me those things as a child/teenager that it would've taken a lot longer for a diagnosis. His support and encouragement to always believe in myself, and to also listen to my body is something that will stay with me for the rest of my life. It's also something I try teach my nieces, nephews and god-children - Jess M


“If something isn’t right in this world, change it” - my Dad and Mum, 2001

This is the quote I heard from a young age and what formed my attitude and willingness to change injustice in our society.  

This Father’s Day, I thank my Dad who was one of the first people by my side after waking up with a diagnosis of endometriosis.  To my Dad who has has been there by my side through the roller coaster that is, life, and empathised when I’ve needed it and pulled me out of the darkness when I didn’t know how to get out. Dad, you won’t admit this, but you’re a wise soul.  I’ve never known anyone with a heart life his and I’m so grateful my daughter has the opportunity to know him - Jess T


My Dad, my rock. 

Dad has been there for the entire ride of my Endometriosis journey and beyond.

Appointments, surgeries and educating others he’s done it all with me and for me.

Dad I’m forever grateful for you and your drive to get me a diagnosis. Happiest Father’s Day to you  - Jaime



I wouldn’t be where I am today without your love, support and guidance. You’re always there when I need you. You always make time for me, and my son’s. Thank you for helping me fight for a diagnosis over 10years ago as I wouldn’t have the life I do now if not for you, for all those midnight hospital trips and countless medications and restless nights. I appreciate you, I appreciate your support and I appreciate the life you have given me and shown me how to love and support others.

Have a wonderful Father’s/Poppy’s Day Dad, I love you.



My dad makes my teddy bear dance and books come to life.

He taught me how to read and how to ride a bike.

He showed me how to be strong when I would tumble and fall.

Always making me feel safe through anything at all

When we passed strangers in the street, he greets them with a smile.

His cheeks always rosy and hair a little bit wild.

Though his beard gradually turned grey as I continued to grow.

He’d then just dye it purple, or pink, or maroon.

Covid has sadly kept our family apart for nearly two years.

It is the sad truth of the world as it currently stands.

But I can always hear him smile when he gives me a call.

He is forever my dad, and I am forever in awe.
- Steph M