Introducing BaCC

By the QENDO BaCC Team


We all know that having a chronic illness is a huge challenge. 

  • Not knowing how you’ll be feeling when you wake up tomorrow

  • Feeling like a failure due to slow progress

  • Feeling like you are disappointing people constantly 

  • Taking so much time off work

Throw in running a business to this equation? Yep, it’s tough to say the least.

Often chronic illness sufferers end up in a business ownership position as they are unable to hold down a full time job and obviously still need to bring in some income to pay the bills.

At QENDO, we have listened to your feedback and recognised there is a need to support not only chronic illness sufferers, but support those that are also trying to balance running a business too.

Or perhaps, you are struggling to hold down a job as your employers don’t really understand what it’s like to have a chronic illness, and let’s be honest, they have a business to run as well, so you’re considering starting your own gig too?

Introducing Business and Chronic Conditions… we’ve got your BaCC!

How does it work?

Facebook Group

The BaCC Facebook Group is a supportive community for you to get business advice, find people that can cover you when you’re unwell, share your wins, ask for feedback on your ideas and chat with like-minded people.

Click here to join!

Live Online Video Calls

Once per month, our Facilitator will host a live video call to chat through any business challenges and ideas. This is a safe space to come as you are - in your PJs, no makeup necessary, BYO wine or tea, heat pack on your belly if needed - to chat business. Each attendee on the call has the opportunity for air time and to also give feedback to others.

Facebook Lives

Submit your questions to our Facilitator and she will choose a couple to discuss and give advice on via a Facebook live in the BaCC group. This is perfect if you are a little nervous about bringing up your challenge in our video call, if something comes up and we’re still 3 weeks away from the next video call or just to learn new things.

Quarterly Events

It’s always so amazing to meet your online besties IRL right?! That’s why we will be hosting quarterly events with guest speakers (who also have a business and chronic condition) and of course another safe space to connect with like-minded people going through similar challenges that you are facing.

So, who’s facilitating?

Meet Leanne Webber.

Leanne is incredibly passionate and supportive about helping business owners exceed their potential. After struggling through 3 years of business ownership, Leanne decided she needed to surround herself with like-minded people that could help her through the challenges she was having in her business - Webbernet.

She searched high and low for the perfect solution, however it wasn't there. So in 2018, Leanne created The Founders Team - helping business owners celebrate wins, feel less lonely, achieve their goals and grow their business through a mastermind program. In just over one year, The Founders Team has helped more than 100 business owners reach their goals and create new connections!

Leanne and her husband have recently started a new business - BravoBallot, a peer to peer recognition platform which boosts staff loyalty and increases amazing team culture.

Leanne also has Endometriosis. She’s been feeling the symptoms of Endo for over 10 years but was only diagnosed officially through a laparoscopy in August 2019. Navigating through growing businesses and taking 5-10 days off each month has been a huge challenge, especially being a motivated and goal-driven person. Leanne has learnt a lot about how to manage symptoms, how working on our mindset is the best thing we can do and she has learnt that slow progress is still better than no progress!

Basically, you’re in good hands with Leanne’s business and chronic condition experience!

Do you own a business?

Have you been thinking about starting one?

Email Leanne to tell her all about yourself and join our Facebook group today!

The materials available on or through the website [‘QENDO’] are an information source only. Information provided by QENDO does not constitute medical advice and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition.To the maximum extent permitted by law, all contributors of QENDO make no statement, representation, or warranty about the quality, accuracy, context, completeness, availability or suitability for any purpose of, and you should not rely on, any materials available on or through the website QENDO disclaims, to the maximum extent permitted by law, all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages and costs you or any other person might incur for any reason including as a result of the materials available on or through this website being in any way inaccurate, out of context, incomplete, unavailable, not up to date or unsuitable for any purpose.